
Common Name: Persian
Scientific Name: Felis catus (Full Taxonomy)
Group: Persian
Origin or Range: Persia
Relative Size: Average (as compared to other cats)
Average Lifespan: ??? year(s)
Compatibility: Average (as compared to other cats)
Category: Mammals ยป Cats

The Persian cat originates from the Iranian plateau, a large area between the Hindukush mountains and Mesopotamia traditionally known as "Persia" in the West, corresponding to the central territories of the Persian Empire, now modern day Iran. However, interbreeding of Angoras with native British domestic longhairs in the 19th Century makes the true origin of the breed unclear. The Persian's European debut is credited to Pietro Della Valle, an Italian traveller.A show-quality Persian has an extremely long thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely foreshortened muzzle. The breed was originally established with a short (but not non-existent) muzzle, but over time this feature has become extremely exaggerated, particularly in North America, and Persians with the more extreme brachycephalic head type are susceptible to a number of health problems (specifically affecting their sinuses and breathing) caused by it.Persian cat information is very plentiful nowadays with the advent of the internet and the world wide web. Persian cats are one of the most popular and easily recognizable breeds in the world. Information about the Persian is every where on the internet, many books have been devoted to the Persian cat, and many of today's Persian breeders and cat lovers have web sites about their Persians. Below is a very short overview of the Persian. Links to more comprehensive sources are shown at the bottom of this section, including some of our favorite books about Persian cats. Persians are known for their gentle, sweet and laid back personalities. They are generally quiet and calm, which isn't to suggest that they do not like to play. In my opinion, Persian cats should never be allowed outdoors.The Bicolor Persian has a full flow silky coat with a profuse ruff. The eyes are a brilliant copper color. Coat comes in the most basic colors with distinct white areas.The Shaded Persian is covered with a flowing double coat. It has light hairs "tipped" with black creating a shaded look. Colors include: chinchilla, shaded silver, chinchilla golden, shaded golden. The eyes are green or blue-green, outlined in black.The Smoke Persian has a long flowing coat and a profuse ruff. "Smokes" are magnificent looking. Colors include (smoked) black, blue, cameo (red), tortoiseshell and blue-cream. The eyes are a brilliant copper.The Solid Persian has flowing hairs with a fluffy undercoat. Colors include: white, black, red, cream, chocolate and lilac. The eyes a brilliant copper color (white cats may have blue or "odd" eyes).The Tabby Persian has a long double coat is full and fine. Various tabby color. The eyes are a brilliant copper color. Persian cats are medium in size, heavy boned, wide-bodied, with short legs. The head should also be of a heavy broad type. All Persians share large round eyes, short broad noses, and small rounded ears.However there is a distinction between two face types: The modern flat-faced Persian commonly seen in shows and the traditional doll-faced Persian. The traditional doll-faced persian has a more proportioned face, with the mouth and nose located well in front of the eyes, while retaining the basic broad, round, and flat look.Perhaps the most striking feature of the Persian cat is its full, long coat. This unique look is created by a combination of long undercoat and long topcoat. Persians come in a variety of coat colours. The seven colour divisions are: Solid Color: White, Black, Blue, Cream, Red, Chocolate, Lilac.